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For the DIY enthusiast - Australian sources of audio parts
Speaker Drivers
Brands Name and contact details
Peerless, Scanspeak and Vifa WES Components
Locked Bag 30
Ashfield NSW 2131
Web: www.wescomponents.com
Visaton, Wavecor, Monacor, Misco, RetroSound, CarPower, img StageLine, Mundorf AMT, Audio Technology Flex Units & C-Quenze Soundlabs Group Pty Ltd

Sydney Office:
Phone: +61 02 4872 1553
Fax: +61 02 4872 1453
Mobile: 0411 881 967
Email: leon@soundlabsgroup.com.au

Melbourne Office:
Phone: +61 3 9859 0388
Fax: +61 3 9859 4054
Mobile: 0411 693 448
Email: james@soundlabsgroup.com.au

Web: www.soundlabsgroup.com.au
Facebook : www.facebook.com/soundlabs

Brands Name and contact details
? Australian Electric Valve Importers Pty Ltd
Factory 2, 22 Michellan Court
Bayswater VIC 3153
Phone: 0500 566 616, +61 3 9720 8730 and +61 3 9720 8729
Fax: 0500 566 626, +61 3 9893 5856
Email aevi_mohan@hotmail.com
New Sensor, Svetlana & Sovtek Audio Valves. Specialising in supplying Vintage Amplifier supplies & spares Retro Sound Aust.
PO Box 2496
Rowville VIC 3178
Phone: +61 3 9759 5032
Web: www.retrosound.com.au
Email: info@retrosound.com.au
? Retrovox
PO Box 5838
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Phone: +61 2 6921 9633
Web: www.retrovox.com.au
Email: retrovox@bigpond.com
Have in excess of 50,000 tubes and CRT's, including many rare vintage types. In addition we are regional distributors for Svetlana and Sovtek tubes and Hammond Audio and Power Transformers. We have also over the years added tube-related books and parts such as electrolytic capacitors and sockets to our product lines. EVATCO
PO Box 7245
East Brisbane QLD 4169
Phone: 1800 382 826
Web: www.evatco.com.au
Email: info@evatco.com.au
Other Parts & Equipment Suppliers
Brands Name and contact details
Electronic components Rockby Electronics
261 Huntingdale Road
Huntingdale Vic 3166
Phone: +61 3 9548 9229
Fax: +61 3 9562 8772
Web: www.rockby.com.au
Email: sales@rockby.com.au
High power semiconductors and test instruments Skandia Electronics
183 Burwood Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122
Phone: +61 3 9819 4281
Cast heatsinks Conrad Engineering
16 Victoria Street
East Brunswick VIC
Phone: +61 3 9387 7106
Solen caps & inductors, full range of speaker parts Speakerbits
PO Box 63
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Phone: +61 3 9646 5115
Email: ortofon@labyrinth.net.au
Full range of electronic components Jaycar
Web: www.jaycar.com.au
Electronic components, electrical leads, plugs. Dick Smith Electronics
Web: www.dse.com.au
Full range of electrical, electronic and industrial products Farnell
Web: www.farnell.com
Power and Audio Transformers Harbuch Electronics
Unit 9, 40 Leighton Place
Hornsby NSW 2077
Phone: +61 2 9476 5854
Web: www.harbuch.com.au/
Semiconductors, electronic components, audio, CD & phono components, speaker components, AC power & cables & accessories. WES Components
Locked Bag 30
Ashfield NSW 2131
Web: www.wescomponents.com
Audio/video connectors, capacitors, semiconductors, transformers RS Components
Melbourne Trade Counter
8.00am - 5.30pm
294 Salmon Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Phone: +61 3 9646 7835
Web: www.rswww.com.au
Supply of electronic components and equipment throughout Australia Altronics Distributors Pty Ltd
Victoria Branch
Unit 11, 810 Princes Highway
Springvale VIC 3171
Order Hotline: 1300 780 999
Fax Order Hotline: 1300 790 999
Web: www.altronics.com.au
Supply of DIY components including:

Audio Consulting, Audio Technology, Audience Auricap, Bybee, Contralube, DACT, DSO Oscilloscopes, ETI, ETS, Granite Audio, img StageLine, Intona, Jasper Audio, Keith-Louis Eichmann KLEI, KR Audio, Leben, Monacor, Mundorf, Nasotec, RetroSound, RF Explorer, Soundlabs Acoustic Cloth, Visaton, Wavecor and more.

Soundlabs Group Pty Ltd

Sydney Office:
Phone: +61 02 4872 1553
Fax: +61 02 4872 1453
Mobile: 0411 881 967
Email: leon@soundlabsgroup.com.au

Melbourne Office:
Phone: +61 3 9859 0388
Fax: +61 3 9859 4054
Mobile: 0411 693 448
Email: james@soundlabsgroup.com.au

Web: www.soundlabsgroup.com.au
Facebook : www.facebook.com/soundlabs